All in Lifestyle

Overcoming Fear

Instead of living in a place where you're afraid to try...I'm going to ask you to pivot. Change your your mindset and think about what you'll miss out on if you don't go for it. You've heard of FOMO, right? Fear of missing out. What will happen if you let fear stop you from trying? What will you miss out on?

In life, in business, I encourage you to start breaking down the walls of fear. Start tackling the things you're afraid of because once you get over one hurdle, the next feels so much smaller. Until fear itself, is no longer an issue.

Where It All Began - The Story of We, The Story of ME

As some of you may well know, life can change in an instant. One event can completely alter your way of thinking and reshape your perspective on what you want out of life. For me, it wasn't just one single event or moment, it was a series of events over the course of almost 3 years. Loss and grief have a way of humbling you, making you vulnerable and altering the way you look at the world. Your views of what's important can completely change. This is the story of my battle with infertility and pregnancy loss. It's also the story of how how I was broken down and made whole again, so that I could be prepared for the greatest joys in life and new pathways, ones that have opened doors I never could have imagined and closed those I was never meant to walk through. Please, grab a tissue, and join me on my journey…